6 Best Design and Creative Podcasts

Jun 23, 2022  6812 seen

6 Best Design and Creative Podcasts

Design Podcasts: What Are They?

Design podcasts are a great way to get inspired while commuting or relaxing on a weekend morning. That's right, design podcasts—a lot you can learn and enjoy about the visual arts and architecture by listening to recorded conversations. These podcasts are frequently produced by independent producers, serve as an extension of academic programs, and are associated with design media or radio. The topics are just as diverse, and you don't have to be an expert to be drawn into any of them—the conversations transport, educate, and entertain. Here are ten that cover everything from architecture to interior design, fashion, furniture, and urban planning, among other things.


99% Invisible

You can't discuss design podcasts without mentioning 99 Percent Invisible. Roman Mars, the host, weaves together incredibly well-crafted stories of the highest production value. From brutalist architecture to the history of the octothorpe, Roman explores the impact that design has on our culture, even if you've never given it much thought before. There is always a reminder that what we are surrounded by has more depth and cultural significance than we can imagine. Binging episodes of this podcast is a fun way to spend an afternoon.


The Honest Designers Show

The Honest Designers Show is ideal if you want to hear from other designers who do not sugarcoat their opinions about work and current lifestyles. Being a designer is a fantastic job, but sometimes freelancers need to hear that it's okay to charge what you're worth, take time off, or pursue their interests. Tom Ross, the host, and founder of Design Cuts leads a team of fellow Brits through conversations that are sure to be relevant to solo designers and modern freelancers. Tom Ross, Ian Barnard, Dustin Lee, and Lisa Glanz share their perspectives on their experiences as trailblazers in their respective fields.


The Busy Creator Podcast

Prescott Perez-conversations Fox's are centered on the "tools, techniques, and habits" that enable creative professionals to do their best, most productive work. I met Prescott at an AIGA conference years ago and have been a fan of his show ever since. We've had a few guests in common, ranging from Armin Vit to Debbie Millman, as well as many great people we haven't yet featured, such as writer Jeff Goins and author/speaker Todd Henry. 



Presentable by Jeff Veen focuses on all aspects of digital design. Presentable is as credible as it gets, thanks to his decades of impressive experience in both Adobe and Google's design teams.

Every episode, Jeff brings in a different designer, ranging from large established brands to new companies, and discusses how design development affects the world. For example, Jeff and his guests discuss how to reduce one's carbon footprint and how proper design is required to avoid unnecessary bureaucracy. This podcast is for you if you're feeling stuck in your creative career. You can even look for a host who you believe will appeal to you.



Shillington's podcast Pathfinder was created to help Shillumni and other graphic design graduates worldwide break into the creative industry. The podcast, hosted by Shillington New York Teacher Jimmy Muldoon, features design heavyweights, industry leaders, and some of our graduates discussing their design journeys and advice on navigating the transition's highs and lows from graduate to working designer.


Bounce The Block

Every creative, regardless of medium, experiences creative block. In this helpful podcast, photographer Emma Croman and her guests identify the causes of creative blocks and how to overcome them in your creative practice. Every week, she brings on a different unique creative to talk about what has hampered them in the past and what they did to overcome it. That was eye-opening.

Here's another list of amazing and informative Design Podcasts.