8+ YouTube Channels to Learn Web Development

Dec 13, 2021  9373 seen

8+ YouTube Channels to Learn Web Development

Learning Web Development

It can be difficult to know where to begin if you want to pursue a career in web development or if it is simply your area of interest. Of course, you can invest in short courses, either online or offline - many courses are expensive. 

Nevertheless, watching YouTube channels can be a great way to learn about developer perspectives and tips. After all, YouTube is the world's largest online video delivery platform. Subscribing to web developer masters on YouTube is one of the best ways to learn to code without spending any money.

So, where do I start? On YouTube alone, there are hundreds of web development channels. It may be difficult to list them all. The following are the top ten YouTube channels for learning web development.


1. DevTips

devtips html css

DevTips is first on our list. It was founded in 2013 and has grown significantly since then, with 334,000 subscribers to its channel. Every Friday, they release instructional videos hosted by two bug generators, David and MPJ. You can learn about both development and website design on this channel. As a result, it's an excellent choice for anyone who wants to master both skills rather than just one.

HTML CSS, HTML5, SASS, Foundation, jQuery, Ruby on Rails, Bootstrap, and GitHub are among the topics covered. You can study the code while also learning to program.


2. Learn Code-Academy

learn code academy

How seriously do you want to learn web development? For those who are just getting started, the Learn Code-Academy YouTube channel has a playlist of 24 videos with detailed descriptions.

The tutorials on this channel are about HTML, CSS, JavaScript, CSS Layouts, Node.js, Angular.js, React.js, Dev Ops, and Deployment Strategies, among other broad topics. There are videos on website design, career advice, website development, and other topics.

There are numerous videos available for any JavaScript enthusiast. The first video was uploaded to the channel in 2012, and no one has been able to stop it since then.


3. Google Chrome Developers

google chrome developers

It isn’t surprising, Google Chrome is one of the most popular browsers. You can stay up to date with the latest in Chrome with What's New in DevTools by subscribing to their channel. The tutorials on this channel are about HTML, CSS, JavaScript, CSS Layouts, Node.js, WordPress, JavaScript.

They've downloaded in-depth guides on how to create better PWAs or how to improve your website's performance. This is the best resource for learning the fundamentals of web applications and how to use them. In addition, Google Polymer is featured on the channel.


4. LevelUpTuts

tuts web development

LevelUpTuts is intended to help users improve their document handling skills and provide web project training. It includes the most detailed and simple-to-follow web development and design guides. The tutorials are about Meteor, Sass, Stylus, Polymer 1.0, WordPress, JavaScript, and design apps like Sketch.

He has downloaded over 750 web development and design guides since 2012. The channel's founder, Scott Tolinski, uploads new videos twice a week. It provides you with a hands-on learning experience.


5. The New Boston

learn web development

New Boston is one of the most popular web development channels on YouTube, with over 2 million subscribers. Bucky Roberts started it as a YouTube channel, but it has since evolved into an online community.

There are over 4,200 video tutorials on various topics. Game development, web design, computer programming, and a variety of other computer-related topics are among them. The HTML5 Tutorial Playlist, Beginner Js Tutorials, and Python 3.4 Programming Tutorials are some of their best videos on the channel.


6.  ProgrammingKnowledge 

learn web development

Many tutorials on technologies such as React, Flutter, Vue, Flask, and Django can be found on ProgrammingKnowledge. They also produce videos on useful tools for web developers and designers, such as Visual Studio Code, Excel, Adobe Illustrator, and Adobe After Effects tutorials. The channel has been around since 2012 and has a high rate of video publishing.


7. CodingTech

coding tech

CodingTech is a programming YouTube channel that publishes content from many tech conferences with which it collaborates, including ReactiveConf, You Gotta Love Frontend, React Native EU, Node Summit, javascript, and others. This channel has tutorials that include HTML, CSS, JavaScript, CSS Layouts, AI, blockchain, hacking, and other tech topics.


8. thenetninja

the net ninja

Sean Pelling's YouTube channel, Thenetninja, offers over 1000 free programming guides in HTML, CSS, JavaScript, React, Vue.js, Node.js, Laravel, React Native, Flutter, and other languages. Because this is a learning channel, the only type of video you'll find is instructional videos. Sean also has an Udemy account and a website.


9. WebDevSimplified

learn web development

WebDevSimplified is managed by Kyle Cook, and its goal is to teach web development efficiently and practically. His videos cover a wide range of topics relevant to a full-stack developer, but he also discusses web design, personal development, and happiness in the programming field.


10. codeSTACKr 

code stack

Jesse, a full-stack developer who wants to share his programming knowledge, manages the YouTube channel codeSTACKr. It is a rapidly expanding channel that has amassed 128K subscribers in just one year. The videos on this page are mostly about web development and coding languages like HTML, CSS, JavaScript, Python, and PHP.