Do developers write codes even on Xmas days?
Dec 19, 2019 4109 seen
A few days left until Christmas Holidays. Christmas memes and jokes about programmers and coding are well known to most people within the last couple of years. And many non-programmers ofter are wondering: so do developers work even on Xmas days? Are those famous memes reality or just jokes?
Well, according to some answer-questions on various socials Christmas coding is, indeed, true.
Developers were active during the past 2-3 years on Christmas eve and holidays. But let's see how active as stated by all the events statistics occurred on Christmas days.
- Over 18K IssuesEvent
- more than 21K PullRequestEvent
- ~ 2K MemberEvent
- 25K IssueCommentEvent
- 16K-17K ForkEvent
- 80K CreateEvent
- 251K PushEvent
- 44K WatchEvent and so on...
Are Developers working more on Christmas days?
Again, according to statistics, there's around a 40% average increase every year since 2015. All of this analysis was based on open source means the numbers for the industry probably will be much lower.