How To Get Your First Job
Apr 14, 2021 5727 seen
Many young designers find it hard to believe that they can do something they find compelling and interesting—something they love. However, if you are looking for your first job as a designer there are a lot of opportunities out there. Nevertheless, there is still a lot of competition.
Show initiative
You may have a passion for design, but it’s still hard to show it. What can you do that puts you one step further than the rest? How can you use your skills and passion to demonstrate your drive and initiative? Consider what you’ve done in the past that shows you have a strong interest in the field. Any experience that demonstrates your initiative will be attractive to hiring managers.
Where would you like to work?
The next step is to identify the design companies, corporations, or individuals with whom you would like to interview. Looking for a job can be a serious networking activity. This may be the first time you network, but it won’t be the last.
Prepare your portfolio
If you are looking for a job you should have a resume or portfolio, but this document can be especially essential to a design applicant. A strong portfolio shows passion within the work. If this is your first time preparing a portfolio, think back to your past work. What self-initiated projects, client work or school projects that you have implemented could be good examples?
Only show your best work
It's a well-known saying that you are only good at your worst project, so make sure you only put your very best work in there. Your top 5 projects are enough for the employer to get an idea of you and what you can do. Rate your top five projects and then rank them as follows: two, five, three, four, one. :)
The Interview
Naturally, the first interview is always the most stressful, so arrange interviews with friends to get practice and feedback. You need to think well before telling your story. Don't be too serious, though: being the right 'fit for a company is also about showcasing your personality and conveying an upbeat attitude. Ask questions about the organization and its projects. It is important to be interested in them, and explaining how you can help with their needs.
You Got A Job
When offered a job, you may be caught off guard and neglect to negotiate. Don’t just blurt out a “yes.” Employers will respect your taking the time to consider the conditions of your employment. Don’t be afraid of being clear about the offer, ask questions, and take time to consider it. Try to adjust whatever is not satisfactory now. It is important to start a relationship with clarity and trust. After you accept the position, celebrate but don’t throw out your contacts. Send them a note announcing your new position.
Is an internship worth your time?
Of course, an internship is always worth your time, but they’re not compulsory. Unfortunately, not all internships are paid, so be realistic about your financial position. If you can’t afford unpaid work, then don’t be afraid to start applying for full-time roles straight away.