Keyword Everywhere!

Apr 08, 2021  7206 seen

Keyword Everywhere!


Keywords, or also called search terms, are the words that you enter into the database search boxes to find what you are looking for. They represent the basic concepts of the topic of your research and are the words that are used in everyday life to describe the topic. Without the right keywords, you may have difficulty finding the articles you want.


Keyword research include:
•    identifying the main concepts of your topic
•    brainstorming synonyms and antonyms that could also be used to describe your topic
•    spell out abbreviations
Your first search will rarely bring back perfect results. It takes time to determine which keywords work best for your topic. Be prepared to run multiple searches in your quest for the keywords that will help you find the materials you need.


How to find your topic

Try to enter the entire research question in the search boxes; you probably will not get any results. Why this can happen? This is because the databases look for the exact words that you enter in the search box. If it cannot find all of the words that you entered, it will not bring back any results. That is why it's essential to search only for the main words of your topic.
Now let’s discover the top 5 free keyword research tools, which may help you to find your right keywords.

1. Google Trends


Google Trends

Google Trends an irreplaceable tool for any marketer. This is a free tool, which provides data on the popularity of specific search terms used on Google and YouTube. 
This tool allows you to do free keyword research on Google Trends by entering a specific search term in the search box on the homepage. By default, this runs a search of Google’s most popular keywords


2. Ubersuggest


This is a free SEO tool that allows finding new keyword ideas. It was founded as a tool that scraped Google Suggest terms. However, Ubersuggest was recently acquired by entrepreneur Neil Patel, who has since expanded the feature set significantly. For example, Ubersuggest has a feature, that generates a list of “vs”, “our” or “and” terms. Basically: keywords where someone’s comparing two things.

3. Keyword Generator



Keyword Generator can find up to 100 - 150 keyword ideas for any keyword.
For example, when you search for “bitcoin” you get one hundred keyword ideas containing that word along with their estimated monthly search volumes.
For the first 10 or 15 keywords on each list, we also show the Keyword Difficulty score. This is a number between 0–100 that estimates ranking difficulty. Simply put, the higher it is, the more backlinks you will need to rank.


4. Google Search Console


Google Search Console
Google Search Console is a great free service, that is offered by Google. It can help you monitor, maintain your site's presence in Google Search results. Besides, it isn't necessary to sign up for Search Console to be included in Google Search results, but Search Console helps you understand and improve how Google sees your site. Google search console helps you track your website's performance in organic search. This means it shows many data about the keywords that you already rank for.

5. Google


Google is definitely the most powerful keyword research tool on the planet.
There is a feature for generating an infinite number of keyword ideas. Nevertheless, that’s only the tip of the iceberg when it comes to using Google for keyword research.
For starters, take notice of the “People also ask” box that shows up for some searches. Google is your best friend when it comes to understanding search intent. Just look at the search results and the presence of SERP features.