Happy New Year from Fronty team!
Jan 05, 2020 4764 seen
It's been a while we were on the Christmas holidays - a great lucky chance for everyone to figure out anything done or missed during, already, the past year. We are going to miss 2019 since it was an amazing period at Fronty full of adventures and possibilities.So to summarize 2019 we can say it was an exciting year at Fronty: new members, lot's of hard work, new features, new opportunities and challenges, new users and engagements... Failures - of course, failures too, although they were all so challenging that helped Fronty start over in a new way. We value every single user for supporting Fronty during its first steps and encouraging us to improve and improve our product.
So here are some of the last year's achievements of Fronty:
- New homepage design
- New features: templates, parallel working, powerful platform, and this pretty nice blog
- +10K new users
- Essential participation at WebSummit 2019
- List of valuable Feedback given by influentials
- #1 product of the day on Product Hunt
- Great SEO progress for our image to HTML converter
Progress is obvious and this is only the beginning yet! Stay tuned for more and reap the benefits of New Fronty with newly developed features and more improved AI, as well as other fresh updates coming for you soon.
Do you make New Year's resolutions? Why and why not?
2020 is going to be a promising year for Fronty, of course, full of new goals and chances, new competitions and achievements, and new successes.
Good luck! We value you are being a part of our activity.