Why Website Builders Are Terrible?
Mar 17, 2020 3619 seen
Have you ever thought about page builders' advantages? What about the disadvantages? Have you ever thought they are terrible? So, why website builders are terrible? In this article, we are going to discuss some famous and not only website builders and such kinds of tools you may come across if you still have not.
Almost every website is actually, severely are limiting your business growth. The HTML mark up created by any page builder will always be exponentially more bloated than HTML handcrafted by an expert web developer. The average person may not care how the codes look, why they should be clean and etc. The problem is that everyone thinks mainly about design.
Website Builders Limit Your Business
The inability to directly edit your website's source code creates problems that go beyond SEO, though. For instance, your agency is wrapping up a website for a large contractor who offers a variety of services in several locations. We built a system where they can simply enter the service type and the contact information into a set of custom fields for a particular page will display its unique address and phone number in the footer, wrapped behind the scenes in the appropriate markup. Another example, for any page that does not have data in these custom fields, it defaults to the corporate contact information and schema. You can hardly find something like that if you use a website builder. When using an open-source platform like WordPress, thus you can find a plugin to accomplish pretty much anything, you will desire. Fronty is another, so cold website builder which actually can provide anything about your business growth and Googles requires.
Website builders - business owners should consider
There are simply too many drawbacks to using website builders. It is believed any serious business owner should avoid such a platform as the plate. A far better option is to choose an open-source platform like Fornty or Wordpress. In this platform, you can install on your own and find templates. If you can find a freelancer or an agency they can handle it all for you - yet this will take a lot of time and money. With Fronty you can never worry about drawbacks and SEO friendliness, for this service will provide you the following features:
Responsive CSS adjusts to phones, tablets, and desktops
Mobile-first styles are part of the framework
Compatible with all modern browsers (Chrome, Firefox, Internet Explorer, Safari, and Opera)
Up to 98% Page speed optimized - All the final code is minified. Images are optimized.
Up to 100% SEO friendly - Search Engine optimization best practices are followed by ex-Google SEO.
Mobile-Tablet Friendly - Mobile-first approach is used when generating our code.
100% Accessible - Usage of ARIA landmarks makes our generated website easily accessible!
Best practices - 0 line custom-written code. Critical CSS and CRP are rendered.
W3C Valid - Check the markup (HTML, XHTML, etc) of Web documents.
SCSS Instead Of CSS - Source code is based on powerful SCSS. Enjoy variables, nesting, and many.
Best Solutions The Right Website Builders Can Offer
Currently, existing online website builders have very limited functionality and a small count of templates to start with. Only AI-powered services are able to provide high-class quality and re-usable codes. Of course, no AI is perfect yet, but the world is going to that direction for sure! Existing AI solutions are either at research-level or converting just a wireframe instead of full-ready designs (e.g. Microsoft Sketch2code).
Fronty is meant to make a new way in the traditional website creation area. In the relative market, some say this modern technology is years ahead of all existing solutions in the world.