Worst Bugs In The History
Nov 07, 2019 5146 seen
One small mistake can make someone a rich person just in a few seconds and it can also cause a loss of money in business and even human life.
It does not matter how technology advances, software testing is always going to be non-debatable. New stories emerge of software failing across countless industries every week and Tricentis collects new stories from around the world every year, culminating in the Tricentis Software Fail Watch, an analysis of software bugs that are found in a year's news articles - for example, software engineering failures of all sorts-security, performance usability, etc. Let's talk about some of the famous bugs made by programmers in history.
Ariane 5 Rocket Failure
One of the most famous history bugs is considered the Ariane 5 Rocked failure, which occurred in 1996. The rocket exploded just after 40 seconds of its launch. The reason - Integer Overflow. The coding was done in Ada. On investigating the team, they discovered that the line of code attempts to fit a 64-bit number into a 16-bit space.
Ariane 5 is a European heavy-lift launch vehicle. It is an expendable launch system designed by the French government space agency CNES.
German and French Government agencies worked closely together to develop the Ariane. Ariane 5 rockets are manufactured under the authority of the European Space Agency and French space agency CNES (Centre National d'Etudes Spatiales).
Ariane 5 is marketed and operated by Arianespace as part of the Ariane program. The rockets are launched from the Guiana Space Centre in French Guiana by Arianespace. Ariane 5 commonly has used dual-launch capacity belt communication satellites that can be mounted using an SYLDA carrier. As of January 2018, Arianespace had signed contracts for Ariane 5 ECA launches until 2022.
Y2K Bug
The Y2K bug was the product of a time when memory had prohibitive cost. For saving space, several years would be represented as two digits rather than four — so, instead of '1999' it would be '99'. The problem is, when the millennium happens, it would be as if the clock went backward to 1900.
Y2K bug or problem, also known as the Year 2000 problem, the Y2K bug, the Y2K glitch, refers to events related to the formatting and storage of calendar data for dates beginning in the year 2000. Problems were anticipated and arose because some programs represented four-digit years with the final two digits, so it would make the year 2000 indistinguishable from 1900. In such programs, the 20th-century date's assumption could cause different errors, for example, the incorrect display of dates and the inaccurate ordering of automated dated records or real-time events.
In 1997, the British Standards Institute developed standard defining four rules for the Year 2000 Conformity requirements:
- No valid date will cause an interruption during operations
- During and after the year 2000 date-based functionality must behave consistently for dates before
- In all interfaces and all storage, the century must be unambiguous, either specified or calculable by the algorithm
- The year 2000 must be recognized as a leap year
Patriot Missile Failure
During the First Gulf War, the Patriot Missile failure was reported (1991) while it was deployed to detect and intercept a Scud missile attack that relied on very accurate timing. Due to the rounding error in the system, it calculated the incorrect time and the missile failed to intercept the Iraqi Scud missile attack on an army barracks in Saudi Arabia.
In 1991, during the war, an American Patriot Missle battery in Dharan failed to track and blocked an incoming Iraqi Scud missile. Injuring over a hundred people and killing 28 soldiers, the Scud struck an American Army barracks. Later it appeared to be a consequence of inaccurate calculation of the time since the boot due to computer arithmetic errors. Particularly, the time in the 10ths of second as measured by the initial clock of the system was multiplied by 1/10 to produce the time in seconds. Those calculations were performed using a 24-bit fixed-point register and particularly the value 1/10, which has a non-terminating binary expansion, was chopped at 24 bits after the radix point. During the multiplied by the large number giving the time in tenths of a second, that small chopping error let to a significant error.
Pentium FDIV Bug
This Pentium FDIV bug was found in the Pentium x86 processor by a professor of mathematics T.Nicely in 1993. This maths error was dividing floating-point numbers within a specific range. For example, to divide 4195835.0/3145727.0 yielded 1.33374 instead of 1.33382045, an error of 0.006%.
The Pentium FDIV bug is a hardware bug which was affected the floating-point unit of the early Intel Pentium processors. Due to the malfunctioning, when dividing a number the processors might return incorrect binary floating-point results. As was mentioned, the bug was found by Professor Thomas Nicely in 1994 at Lynchburg College. They attributed the error to missing entries in the lookup table which was used by the floating-point division circuitry. The severity of the FDIV bug is debated, though rarely encountered by many users. both the flaw and Intel's initial handling of the matter were heavily criticized by the tech community.
In 1994, Intel Recalled the defective processors and after a year announced about a pre-tax charge of $475 million against earnings, ostensibly the total cost associated with the replacement of the flawed processors.
PayPal Error
In 2007, due to e PayPal error, an American man became a billionaire. PayPal accidentally makes Pennsylvania man Chris Reynolds the world’s richest person with $92 quadrillion. PayPal erroneously credits this amount in his account and he became one thousand times wealthier than the total combined GDP of the whole planet. The exact amount is significant in the world of 64-bit numbers suggesting a programming error.
PayPal is an online money-transfer company, which once accidentally credited a man $ 92,233,720,368,547,800, making him the richest man on the planet.
Chris Reynolds was shocked when he received his monthly statement from PayPal via e-mail, with an ending balance of $ 92 quadrillion. That was over a million times richer than the world's real richest man, Carlos Slim. Reynolds said he has been a PayPal customer for about 10 years and uses it to buy and sell items on eBay, he also stated that usually spends no more than $100 a month via PayPal. To make amends, the company reportedly offered to donate an undisclosed amount of money to a charity of Reynolds’ choice.