How to Increase Website Traffic

Apr 29, 2021  7804 seen

How to Increase Website Traffic

Website Traffic

When you are starting to run your website it is very important to have relevant content. If your visitors are not provided with an attractive layout or content your website will lose about half of engagements. 
Do you think SEO is dead? Well, think again. Create content that reaches both your visitors and, of course, SEO

In this article, you will find a detailed guide on how to create content for your website that will bring you traffic and conversion rates.

Here are some recommended steps: 


Live Webinar

If you want to spark future customers’ interest then hosting a live webinar is what you need. 


Online Giveaway

If you want to spark brand awareness and lead to a boost in website traffic, the online giveaway is the best choice for you. Overall, a good giveaway starts with a cool prize. Your prize should be relevant to your business. You can host your giveaway on your site with the contest rules and a form.


Understand Your Audience

When you know your audience, it is easier to suggest content that will interest them, moreover, you will know what and how to talk to them. This will help you to sell whatever you want, whether it is an idea, software, product, or any kind of service.

The most important questions are:


Optimized Content

Ask yourself this question - is it necessary to optimize your content? The answer is definitely yes! You can have an amazing website full of valuable and targeted content, but you are not going to get noticed without content optimization, simply put, without specific SEO techniques through which you can get a higher ranking.

Firstly, make efforts to find the right keywords for your website, after discovering several valuable keywords, start using them in your sentences however it's possible.


Website Links

Let’s understand the power of linking. External linking, or simply put, outside linking, will help search engines validate your website content's credibility and may help you make friends with other websites' owners. In this case, you can increase the chances of getting a backlink to you.

Now about the internal links that lead to your pages. You can simplify your content and get readers to navigate your site by linking to blog posts and different sites from one to the other. This way you can avoid unnecessary words in one place.


Be Short And Simple

Usually, people like to talk about themselves or their business. In general, it always happens that we drag on too long. Therefore, it is very important not to waste other people's time on unnecessary details. Always try to keep your content direct and simple.

Even here in blog articles, 75% of readers quit reading if the article has more than 1000 words. So let's move on to the next step.



CTAs will help your content look more effective and impressive. Call-to-action is an action item through which you'll lead your readers whenever you find it needed for you.

For example, if you want to lead readers to your newsletter, or you want them to leave feedback, vote, or anything else, relevantly use CTA and it will be the best choice for you.


Use Good Headlines

A headline is one of the most important parts of your content. Without compelling titles, even the greatest blog post will go unread. For example, the writers at Upworthy usually write over twenty different titles before finally choosing the one that will drive the most traffic, so think carefully about your headline before you hit “publish.”


Be Visually Pleasing

It might not sound like a big deal, but your good speech, audience research, shiny call-to-action buttons, and everything else won't have as much value if your visitors don't like them visually.

Make your website design intriguing as the copy tries to visually minimize it by breaking it up into paragraphs, using bullets and numbered lists.


Create High-Quality Infographics

Creating quality infographics is just one form of clickbait. There are many examples of click baits you can use, but not all of them are the same. However, if you can create a great infographic that many people will link to, you can essentially create an automated marketing engine for your site. Make sure you hire a good designer for this.


Create YouTube Video Tutorials

YouTube is an excellent source for driving free organic traffic to your website. It is possible because Google loves YouTube, and considering that it's the second most popular search engine in the world, gaining exposure on YouTube could be huge. Create useful, easy tutorials and videos, and be sure to link to your content through the description.


Mobile-Friendly Website

According to numbers, over 68.1% of all website users came from mobile devices. Many tools will help you check your mobile layout's friendliness and see if it conforms to guidelines. For example Google's Page Insights Tool, or Semrush. Besides, make sure that all your posts and content are AMP-specification ready.


Email Marketing

Email marketing is a great way to increase traffic to your website or your blog and to promote any offers. It also means you need a list of emails to market to. Make sure that your email displays correctly on mobile platforms, otherwise, half of your audience is going to think you don't know how to properly craft an email.